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Certified Talent Acquisition Professional
Talent acquisition is a new buzz word for the combined process of recruitment and selection. Few consider it Manpower planning ...
+ Job analysis + Recruitment + Selection . But here primary focus is on recruitment and selection part only.
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Talent acquisition is a new buzz word for the combined process of recruitment and selection.
Few consider it Manpower planning + Job analysis + Recruitment + Selection . But here primary focus is on recruitment and selection part only.
Here we will cover the below topics in detail:
Section: Manpower Planning
- Meaning
- Steps
- Factors
Section: Job Analysis
- Meaning of Job Analysis and Traditional Job analysis
- Competency
- Competency based job analysis
- Applications of Competency based job analysis
- Common methods of collecting information
Section: Recruitment and Selection
- Meaning
- Steps involved
- Sourcing and types of Sourcing channels
- Common sourcing channels
- Common Job Portals
- Boolean search
- Naukri
- HR/Preliminary Screening
- Common assessment tests
- Common assessment methods
- Decision, Negotiations and Job offer
- Background check
- Onboarding
- Common terminologies
- Challenges in Recruitment
Talent acquisition is a new buzz word for the combined process of recruitment and selection.
Few consider it Manpower planning + Job analysis + Recruitment + Selection . But here primary focus is on recruitment and selection part only.
Here we will cover the below topics in detail:
Section: Manpower Planning
- Meaning
- Steps
- Factors
Section: Job Analysis
- Meaning of Job Analysis and Traditional Job analysis
- Competency
- Competency based job analysis
- Applications of Competency based job analysis
- Common methods of collecting information
Section: Recruitment and Selection
- Meaning
- Steps involved
- Sourcing and types of Sourcing channels
- Common sourcing channels
- Common Job Portals
- Boolean search
- Naukri
- HR/Preliminary Screening
- Common assessment tests
- Common assessment methods
- Decision, Negotiations and Job offer
- Background check
- Onboarding
- Common terminologies
- Challenges in Recruitment
What you’ll learn
- Explain the meaning and importance of right manpower planning.
- Illustrate the steps in manpower planning
- Describe the common factors affecting manpower planning.
- Describe the current trends in the industry.
- Explain the meaning of job analysis and its components- job description and job specification.
- Explain the meaning of Competencies and its types
- Design competency based job analysis
- Perform recruitment from various channels and learn common terminologies in different departments and key industries
- Describe the steps in recruitment and selection.
- Explain the meaning of sourcing.
- Describe the types of Sourcing channels
- List the common sources
- Listen to a mock call and analyse the common mistakes made by an HR in an HR screening call.
- Write a proper email sharing job details with the candidate.
- Describe different types of assessment tests.
- Describe different methods that are used to assess psychological attributes.
- Differentiate between offer letter, letter of intent, and appointment letter.
- Apply tips on salary negotiation.
- Describe the current trends in conducting background checks.
- Describe the current trends in onboarding.
- Describe the challenges faced in recruitment.
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
- Understanding of the English language.
- Describe the sources for collecting information.
- Interest in Human Resource Management
- Interest in Business, Leadership and Management
Who this course is for:
- Those who have interest in HR domain
- Business Owners/Entrepreneurs/Top Management/Managers
- Management students
- Want to work in companies
- Want to start own Recruiting firm
11. Manpower Planning - Meaning and Importance02:48
22. Steps involved in Manpower Planning07:25
33. Factors in forecasting Manpower Requirement07:46
44. Meaning of Job Analysis and Traditional Job Analysis04:44
55. Meaning of Competency06:30
66. Competency-based Job Analysis06:50
77. Meaning of Recruitment and Selection03:02
88. Steps Involved in Recruitment and Selection03:57
99. Meaning of Sourcing02:17
1010. Different Sources of Recruitment07:22
1111. Common Job Portals01:53
1212. LinkedIn13:42
1313. HR Preliminary Screening10:03
1414. Common Assessment Tests04:37
1515. Common Assessment Methods05:59
1616. Decision, Negotiations and Job offer07:42
1717. Background Check06:52
1818. Onboarding07:04
1919. Challenges in Recruitment07:43
2020. Extra Content Who's Who in Talent Acquisition03:21
2121. Process Overview05:24
2222. Extra Content Agency vs. In-House Recruiting00:52
2323. How to Provide Positive Candidate Experience06:56
2424. Fostering Great Relationships with Hiring Managers02:55
2525. Employer Branding03:23

Certified Talent Acquisition Professional
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